Research LT Future Consultations

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#sort iconSubmittedUserIP AddressYour namePositionOrganisation nameNumber of research staff in your organisation/departmentMain areas of research in your organisation/departmentShort term (within the next 2-3 years)Long term (within the next 7-10 years):Specify 3 important gaps or barriers.How and by whom can they be best addressed?What kind of challenges should such a project address in your area?What should be the outputs of such a project?What kind of research challenges should such a project address in your area?What would be the most urgent research tasks? How much would they depend on contributions from other disciplines and which ones?Can it be achieved with collaborative (multi-party, multi-nation) projects or do we need different instruments and incentives?
3510 Nov 2011 - 10:40olga.caprotti90.224.51.141Olga CaprottiProject manager,Workpackage leader,DeputyUniversity of Gothenburg 2bla bla blaask the head of CLTask the head of CLTone, two, threewhom it may concernchallenges outputsresearchtasksevents