3rd MOLTO Project Meeting

31 Aug 2011 09:00
2 Sep 2011 16:00

The third MOLTO project meeting will be held in Helsinki on 31 August - 2 September 2011. The meeting is organized by University of Helsinki.


The first two days of meeting will take place at Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40). MOLTO Open Day is at Arppeanum (Snellmaninkatu 3).

31.8. Project day

Project internal update at Metsätalo from 9 to 18. Dinner at 19:30. Please answer the dinner doodle!

1.9. Workshop day

Smaller working groups about some specific themes at Metsätalo from 9 to 18.


Morning groups:

Afternoon groups:

We have a dinner at Restaurant Elite at 19:30. You can choose meat, fish or vegetarian. If your answer differs from previous dinner doodle (e.g. meat Wednesday but vegetarian Thursday), please inform Inari, otherwise we'll just assume f(x) which transforms xWed to xThu such that f(meat)==meat, f(chicken)==fish and f(veg)==veg.

2.9. MOLTO Open day


timeslot title speaker
9:00 - 9:30 [MOLTO Project: Overview and Half-Way Results](/node/1333) Aarne
09:30 - 09:45 The Mathematical Grammar Library Jordi
09:45 - 10:00 GF web IDE with focus on Finnish (demo) Thomas/Aarne
10:00 - 10:30 Invited talk: Helsinki Finite-State Technology Krister Lindén
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 11:15 Term extraction from ontology with pre-constructed queries Inari
11:15 - 12:00 TermFactory (demo) Lauri C.
12:00 - 12:30 Machine translation evaluation Maarit
12:30 - 13:00 Approximating term similarities with syntactic evidence Seppo
13:00 - 14:30 Lunch at Café Arppeanum
14:30 - 15:00 Invited talk: HFST as an open source environment for commercial and academic language tools Kimmo Koskenniemi
15:00 - 15:30 A Reason-able view of Linked Data for Cultural Heritage Milen Chechev (Ontotext)
15:30 - 16:00 Native PGF Lauri A.
16:00 Closing

Sign up

The registration link is at the bottom of the page.


We have booked rooms for reduced price from Hotel Arthur, located just next to the meeting venue. The hotel keeps the rooms booked until 8th August, but even after that you can still get the discount, if they have rooms left. The reservation code is sent to the people registered in the meeting.

If you miss the booking deadline and Arthur is full, you can try Cumulus Kaisaniemi, it is also near.

Signups closed for this Event