
TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioOnline Patent Translation Demo meritxell.gonzalez011 years 2 weeks ago
BiblioMultilingual Patents Retrieval System meritxell.gonzalez011 years 8 weeks ago
BiblioPatent MT and Retrieval Prototype Beta meritxell.gonzalez811 years 9 weeks ago
BiblioData models and alignments milen.chechev111 years 9 weeks ago
BiblioPatent MT and Retrieval Prototype meritxell.gonzalez211 years 9 weeks ago
BiblioMT Automatic Evaluation and Meta-evaluation meritxell.gonzalez011 years 9 weeks ago
BiblioAsiya: An Open Toolkit for Automatic Machine Translation and (Meta-)Evaluation meritxell.gonzalez011 years 9 weeks ago
BiblioMT Automatic Evaluation and Meta-evaluation with Asiya meritxell.gonzalez011 years 9 weeks ago
EventACL 2013 workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2013) meritxell.gonzalez011 years 22 weeks ago
Blog entryMOLTO cover - Latex sources meritxell.gonzalez211 years 43 weeks ago
EventCall for Book Chapter: "Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web" (to be published by Springer, autumn 2013) meritxell.gonzalez011 years 43 weeks ago
DeliverablePatent MT and Retrieval Prototype meritxell.gonzalez011 years 43 weeks ago
EventCfP: MT Technology Demonstrations and Exhibits meritxell.gonzalez012 years 15 weeks ago
EventCfP: Research Papers at AMTA-2012 meritxell.gonzalez012 years 15 weeks ago
BiblioThe Patents Retrieval Prototype in the MOLTO project meritxell.gonzalez112 years 17 weeks ago
BiblioWP7, Patents Case Study, 2nd Year Review meritxell.gonzalez012 years 17 weeks ago
SlidesWP7, Patents Case Study meritxell.gonzalez012 years 18 weeks ago
SlidesWP7 4th Project Meeting 2012.03.8 meritxell.gonzalez012 years 20 weeks ago
EventLanguage Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2012) meritxell.gonzalez012 years 23 weeks ago
EventJoint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra) meritxell.gonzalez012 years 32 weeks ago
StoryMultilingual Patent Retrieval Prototype meritxell.gonzalez012 years 34 weeks ago
EventCALL FOR DEMOS - EACL 2012 - Avignon, France, April 23-27, 2012 meritxell.gonzalez012 years 38 weeks ago