SLTC 2010 Deadline CFP
Linköping, October (27-)28-29, 2010
The Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010), will be held at Linköping University, October 28-29. SLTC is co-located with a Nordic Seminar on language technology and accessibility, organised by the Language Council in Sweden.
* October 27-28th: Nordic seminar on language technology and accessibility
* October 28-29th: Third Swedish Language Technology Conference
Papers should be submitted as 2-page abstracts in pdf-format. Abstracts should have a two column format and include the names of all authors and their affiliations. Style files at
Submissions are made by uploading your abstract as a pdf-file through the EasyChair system at the URL and providing information on title, authors and preferred mode of presentation as oral, poster, or poster with demo.
Deadline: ''August 30, 2010''.
Papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Authors will be notified by September 10, 2010.
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