Here's a nice conference in an interesting location, to publish work related to MOLTO or any other language technology work:
Here's a nice conference in an interesting location, to publish work related to MOLTO or any other language technology work:
Here's a nice conference in an interesting location, to publish work related to MOLTO or any other language technology work:
Linköping, October (27-)28-29, 2010
The Third Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC-2010), will be held at Linköping University, October 28-29. SLTC is co-located with a Nordic Seminar on language technology and accessibility, organised by the Language Council in Sweden.
* October 27-28th: Nordic seminar on language technology and accessibility
* October 28-29th: Third Swedish Language Technology Conference
Papers should be submitted as 2-page abstracts in pdf-format.
The 1st project meeting of MOLTO will take place in Varna, Bulgaria, on 8-10 September 2010.
La Indústria de la Traducció entre Llengües Romàniques (The industry of translation among romance languages) is a workshop organised within the XXVI Philology and Romance Linguistics Meeting at Valencia (Spain) on September 2010.
The UPC group has been asked to present the MOLTO project as an example of a translation project which deals with romance languages (among others).
You can visit the conference web:
The MOLTO EU project is holding its first project meeting in Varna between 8-10 September, 2010. The first day of the meeting is open to interested participants from outside the MOLTO Consortium. It will present the project, its goals and current ongoing work.
The 1st project meeting of MOLTO will take place in Varna, Bulgaria, on 8-10 September 2010.