Questionnaire - what do you expect from WP4
Data sets (knowledge)
- Which are the data sets that you plan to use?
- For each of these data sets please share the following:
- description in your own words - original format and size - How do you plan to use the data set? - Do you need the entire data set or just a part of it - which one? - Do you need to change or extend the data set during the project? - Inside your applications, what is the format in which you need to use the data from this set? - Do you need any special software to create and edit the data set? - Describe some/all? queries that you need to execute against the set.
Software Infrasrtucture
- General characteristics you expect: scale? response time?
- Do you plan to use the infrastructure during the development, initialization/loading and/or runtime of your tools?
- Risks for the infrastructure to have in mind
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