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User Requirements and Evaluation

Comparing human perceptions of post-editing effort with post-editing operations

Koponen M. Comparing human perceptions of post-editing effort with post-editing operations. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Montréal, Canada; 2012:181–190. Available at: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W12-3123.

D9.1A Appendix to MOLTO test criteria, methods and schedule

Carlson L, Listenmaa I, Nyrkkö S. D9.1A Appendix to MOLTO test criteria, methods and schedule. 2012.

(See PDF for full text)

Abstract: During the review on March 20, 2012, an appendix was requested to better specify the methodology that MOLTO intends to adopt to carry evaluation of the work and results related to each workpackage. This document tries to clarify the goals and how they will be achieved in Workpackage 9.

  • Requirements of the addendum D9.1A
  • MOLTO use scenarios and the market segment
  • Relating the scenarios to the MOLTO use cases
  • References

Deep evaluation of hybrid architectures: simple metrics correlated with human judgments

Labaka G, Díaz De Ilarraza A, España-Bonet C, Sarasola K, Màrquez L. Deep evaluation of hybrid architectures: simple metrics correlated with human judgments. In: International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation. Barcelona, Spain; 2011:50-57.
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