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A preview version of libpgf, a C-based reimplementation of the GF runtime, is now available. When finished, it should make GF technology accessible to applications that cannot make use of the current Haskell- and Java-based runtimes either due to resource constraints or interoperability concerns. In particular, libpgf should be easier to access from non-JVM-based programming languages. Bindings for Python are already in the pipeline.
Downloads and further information are available from the libpgf home page.
Submitted by adam.slaski on 12 April, 2011 - 15:56
We have succeeded in parsing with a small GF grammar the first example claim which reads Mouse complement-fixing monoclonal antibody which (i) reacts with essentially all normal human peripheral T-cells but (ii) does not react with any of the normal human peripheral cells in the group comprising b cells, null cells and macrophages.
Difficulties included reducing number of ambiguities from over 100 ASTs to 4, witch are all reasonable. That was done by introducing a hierarchy of Common Noun objects. The demo of the patents project will be given on May the 3rd. Everyone is invited.