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EU bureaucracy
All matters related to payments, NEF portals, cost claims etc.
No, not officially since every group uses his favorite editor. Ideally the deliverable are prepared collaboratively online in the wiki as "living deliverables". This allows for archiving comments and for versioning (as done by our CMS Drupal). If you choose to do your edits online then, once the deliverable is available under
you may generate a frozen version to be time-stamped as delivered using the printer-friendly followed by Print. This produces the page numbers and a good A4 format, in most cases.
The system for self-archiving at the University of Gothenburg is under development. Self-archiving will be done in GUP (Göteborgs Universitets Publikationer) and it will be possible to set a time for when the publication should be openly available. At the moment self- archiving can be done in GUPEA (Göteborgs Universitets Publikationer - Elektroniskt Arkiv), but you will need help with this.
The FP7 open access pilot is based on self-archiving open access of peer-reviewed publications. The Commission also provides the opportunity for fully open access publishing in FP7 by reimbursing costs for open access publishing in subscription-based journals.
Authors shall deposit the peer-reviewed manuscripts of their articles in repositories (also called open archives) at the time of publication.
The Participant Portal hosts services that facilitate the monitoring and the management of the projects. It is also a secure Internet site that ensures adequate authentication and confidentiality mechanisms, based on the European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS).
All publications shall include the following statement to indicate that foreground was generated with the assistance of financial support from the European Union :
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° FP7-ICT-247914.