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The MOLTO twitter feed publishes small newsflash items, interesting facts on MOLTO technologies and people, and even photos of events occasionally. You can follow us at http://twitter.com/moltoproject.
Almost all software will be publicly available as open-source free software released under the GNU LGPL license. The LGPL license implies that anyone may use MOLTO tools for anything, both for research and for commercial purposes. The third-party applications need not be released as open source again, like with the GPL license. But of course we expect much of the derived work also to be released with open source back to the community.
The total budget is just below 3,000,000 EUR, of which the EC contribution is 2,375,000 EUR. This will pay 390 person months of work, divided to engineers, PhD students, translators, a project manager, and partial salaries of faculty members. More than 90% of the budget is for salaries and salary-related costs; the rest is mainly for travels, both for internal meetings between the sites, and for participation in conferences to disseminate the results. In another perspective, 86% is for research and development, 10% for dissemination and exploitation, and 5% for management.
MOLTO has people with backgrounds in computer science, linguistics, and mathematics. There are university professors, PhD students, engineers, and translators.