W3C Workshop, Call for Speakers: The Multilingual Web – Linked Open Data and MultilingualWeb-LT Requirements

9 May 2012

11 - 13 June 2012, Dublin http://www.multilingualweb.eu/documents/dublin-workshop

If you wish to speak at the workshop, please fill in the registration form as soon as possible and provide a position statement about the topic of Linked (Open) Data and Multilingual Technologies (to be discused 11 June), or about MultilingualWeb-LT requirements (12 - 13 June). Based on the review of all submitted position statements, the Program Committee will select the most relevant and invite the submitters of those papers to speak at the event.

The purpose of this workshop is two-fold: first, to discuss the intersection between Linked Open Data and Multilingual Technologies (11 June), and second, to discuss Requirements of the W3C MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group (12 - 13 June). We expect that both topics will attract an overlapping set of participants, and we hope to increase the overlap by this workshop.

About the Linked Open Data topic: Research and industrial application of Multilingual Web content, Linked Open Data and Natural Language Processing are becoming increasingly intertwined. The goal of the workshop is to bring together stakeholders in the areas of content creation, translation, and provision of content delivery infrastructures, researchers and key industrial contacts.

One of the major issues in the evolution of Linked (Open) Data is its lack of multilinguality. There is a strong separation between, on the one hand, terminology, lexical and language resources, and on the other, the technologies used for Linked Data. This gap makes it difficult to exploit any potential synergy among those approaches. This also makes it difficult to exploit the possibilities offered for Linked Data by Multilingual Web technologies. Removing silos and integrating these technologies is therefore an important goal, and is the main topic of this workshop.

About the MultilingualWeb-LT Requirements Gathering: The MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group is gathering requirements to define meta-data for web content (mainly HTML5) and deep Web content, for example a CMS or XML files from which HTML pages are generated, that facilitates its interaction with multilingual technologies and localization processes. The group has come up with an initial list of requirements, including a list of proposed metadata items. During this workshop, we aim at getting detailed feedback about the requirements and the metadata items. See http://www.w3.org/International/multilingualweb/lt/wiki/Requirements.

Different to previous MultilingualWeb workshops, this workshop has two specific foci, and aims at certain groups of participants, with the goal of producing concrete proposals about next steps in the two areas described above. While future MultilingualWeb workshops will continue the format of broad events and will aim again at a larger audience, attendees for this workshop are required to participate actively and will need to submit a position statement for the workshop registration. The workshop will be hosted by Trinity College Dublin.