NTIF 2012 will take place in Copenhagen on 22-23 November.
CLARA Thematic training course on evaluation of Human Language Technologies
26-29 November 2012, Paris, France
As part of the CLARA Marie Curie Initial Training Network, ELDA and University of Copenhagen organize a four-day thematic training course on evaluation of Human Language Technologies in Paris.
Goal and Focus
For any HLT research effort to be successful, it is essential that it be assessed through rigorous evaluations of the developed technologies.
Call for Book Chapters
"Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web" (to be published by Springer, autumn 2013)
Editors: Paul Buitelaar (DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland) and Philipp Cimiano (CITEC, University of Bielefeld, Germany)
We invite submissions of book chapter abstracts for a new book "Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web" to be published by Springer.
The amount of Internet users with native languages other than English has seen a substantial growth in recent years.
--- Call for Papers ---
Post-Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2012) 11.07.2012, Bremen, Germany, Part of CICM 2012
The User Interfaces for Theorem Provers workshop series provides a forum for researchers interested in improving human interaction with interactive proof systems, be it theorem provers, formal method tools, and other tools manipulating and presenting mathematical formulas.
UITP 2012 has taken place in Bremen on July 11th, 2012.