On May 28th, Jeroen van Grondelle delivered a keynote at the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012, with the title New Audiences for Ontologies. In his talk, he presented Be Informed's business process platform, how it exposes new audiences to ontologies and how technologies from both Molto and Monnet projects are used to support these audiences in understanding and taking ownership of these ontologies.
On May 28th, Jeroen van Grondelle delivered a keynote at the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012, with the title New Audiences for Ontologies. In his talk, he presented Be Informed's business process platform, how it exposes new audiences to ontologies and how technologies from both Molto and Monnet projects are used to support these audiences in understanding and taking ownership of these ontologies.
On May 28th, Jeroen van Grondelle delivered a keynote at the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012, with the title New Audiences for Ontologies. In his talk, he presented Be Informed's business process platform, how it exposes new audiences to ontologies and how technologies from both Molto and Monnet projects are used to support these audiences in understanding and taking ownership of these ontologies.
On May 28th, Jeroen van Grondelle delivered a keynote at the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012, with the title New Audiences for Ontologies. In his talk, he presented Be Informed's business process platform, how it exposes new audiences to ontologies and how technologies from both Molto and Monnet projects are used to support these audiences in understanding and taking ownership of these ontologies.
The Center for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology ( at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, invites researchers and PhD students to participate at the:
Second international PhD-course in Translation Process Research Monday August 13 to Thursday August 16, 2012
For more information see:
- Registration for the workshop closes on July 5, 2012
- Registration for the TPR course closes on June 1, 2012
Early June, a number of employees at Be Informed were trained in GF by Aarne Ranta and John Camilleri at Be Informed's offices in Apeldoorn.
Early June, a number of employees at Be Informed were trained in GF by Aarne Ranta and John Camilleri at Be Informed's offices in Apeldoorn.
Early June, a number of employees at Be Informed were trained in GF by Aarne Ranta and John Camilleri at Be Informed's offices in Apeldoorn.
Dear Colleagues
A preliminary programme and registration for "Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation" are now available in
- invited talk by Martin Kay: The New Machine Translation - Getting blood from a stone
- six contributed talks
- tutorials on Apertium and GF
Participation is free, but you are welcome to register - in particular if you want to join the meals.
With best regards Dear Colleagues
A preliminary programme and registration for "Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation" are no
Dear Colleagues
A preliminary programme and registration for "Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation" are now available in
- invited talk by Martin Kay: The New Machine Translation - Getting blood from a stone
- six contributed talks
- tutorials on Apertium and GF
Participation is free, but you are welcome to register - in particular if you want to join the meals.
With best regards Dear Colleagues
A preliminary programme and registration for "Free/Open-Source Rule-Based Machine Translation" are no