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MOLTO - Multilingual On-line Translation - Annual Report 2010-2011. 2011. Abstract
Array Download: AnnualReport2011.pdf (762.72 KB)
MOLTO test criteria, methods and schedule. 2011.Array Download: D9.1-final.pdf (653.36 KB); d91-final_w_cover.odt (61.64 KB)
Multilingual semantic wiki. 2013. Abstract
Array Download: d11_2.pdf (347.72 KB); d11_2_v1_1.pdf (410.98 KB)
Patent MT and Retrieval Prototype. 2012. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: D72.pdf (1.21 MB)
A framework for conflict analysis of normative texts written in controlled natural language. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 2013. Available at: Abstract
MOLTO - Multilingual On-line Translation. 2010.Array Download: MOLTO posterMETA-FORUM.pdf (1.02 MB)
MOLTO Poster for EAMT 2010. 2010.Array Download: MOLTO posterEAMT.pdf (1019.38 KB)
MOLTO poster presented at META-FORUM 2011, Budapest. 2011. Available at: Download: 2011-META-forum-poster.pdf (1.31 MB)
RDF/XHTML: Ontology Editing In HTML. 2012. Available at: Download: 2012-KEOD-poster.pdf (510.48 KB)
RDF/XHTML: Ontology Editing In HTML. 2012. Available at: Download: 2012-KEOD-poster.pdf (510.48 KB)
Asiya: An Open Toolkit for Automatic Machine Translation and (Meta-)Evaluation. Introduction to modern statistical machine translation: theory, practice and applications. 2013.Array Download: asiya-merit-course.pdf (3.41 MB)
Attempto Controlled English and Its Tools. 2012.Array Download: Talk.Gothenburg.2012.pdf (860.44 KB)
Evaluation of MOLTO Technologies. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Evaluation.pdf (411.01 KB)
Evaluation of MOLTO Technologies. 2013. Available at: Abstract
Array Download: Evaluation.pdf (411.01 KB)
The GF mathematics library. 2011.Array Download: gfmath.pdf (136.56 KB)
A grammar-based approach to multilingual mathematics. 2013;5th International Workshop on Mathematical e-Learning. Available at: Download: eMath5Madrid.pdf (492.67 KB)
A grammar-based approach to multilingual mathematics. 2013;5th International Workshop on Mathematical e-Learning. Available at: Download: eMath5Madrid.pdf (492.67 KB)
Konekäännöksen laatu ja jälkieditointiin soveltuvien käännösten tunnistaminen. presentation in KäTu 2013, XI Symposium on Translation and Interpreting: Technology and Translation. 2013. Available at: Download: katu2013_koponen.pdf (170.05 KB)
Konekäännöksen laatu ja jälkieditointiin soveltuvien käännösten tunnistaminen. presentation in KäTu 2013, XI Symposium on Translation and Interpreting: Technology and Translation. 2013. Available at: Download: katu2013_koponen.pdf (170.05 KB)