• strict warning: Declaration of views_handler_filter_user_name::value_submit() should be compatible with views_handler_filter_in_operator::value_submit($form, &$form_state) in /home/local/www/molto-project.eu/sites/all/modules/views/modules/user/views_handler_filter_user_name.inc on line 0.
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University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki, established in 1640, is the largest and most versatile university in Finland. It includes eleven faculties: Agriculture and Forestry, Arts, Behavioural Sciences, Biosciences, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, Social Sciences, Theology, and Veterinary Medicine. The university has around 38,000 students working on degrees and 7,000 employees. The Academy of Finland, which is an expert organisation in research funding and science policy, has designated 11 units of the University of Helsinki as National Centres of Excellence in Research for 2002-2007, 13 units for 2006-2011 and 12 units for 2008-201339. The University of Helsinki is a member of the League of the European Research Universities (LERU).

In 2009, the University of Helsinki is pooling together the departments of Translation Studies and General Linguistics (including Language Technology). The Department of Linguistics is well known for its pioneering work in computational morphology and finite state parsing. The Department of Translation Studies has long standing experience in multilingual terminology, both in practical terminology work and in terminology management technology development projects.

Who's who at University of Helsinki

People associated with the MOLTO project in the partner nodes.

Firstname Lastnamesort icon Last access Roles Positions in MOLTO
Lauri Alanko 11 years 14 weeks
Lauri Carlson 11 years 5 weeks site leader, wp leader Steering Group, Site leader, Workpackage leader
Mirka Hyvärinen 13 years 47 weeks
Maarit Koponen 11 years 7 weeks
Chunxiang Li 12 years 18 weeks
Inari Listenmaa 10 years 21 weeks
Seppo Nyrkkö http://pulautin.net/seppo/ 11 years 7 weeks
Jussi Rautio 11 years 6 weeks MT Evaluation Coordinator
Junyou Shen 13 years 25 weeks