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University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg has approximately 50,000 students (25,000 full-time students) and 5,000 employees. It is one of the largest universities in Europe. With its eight faculties and approximately sixty departments, the University of Gothenburg is also the most wide-ranging and versatile university in Sweden. The distinctive characteristic of university education at the University of Gothenburg is the close interaction between teaching and research. Students are kept informed of the latest developments in the field they are studying and researchers gain inspiration from their students’ expectations and needs. In an international perspective too, the University of Gothenburg is unusually comprehensive, with cutting-edge research in a number of dynamic research areas. Cooperation with Chalmers University of Technology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, society at large and trade and industry has been consistently strengthened and intensified over recent years, as have international contacts and collaborative projects with partners abroad.

The MOLTO project involves three departments of the university: Computer Science and Engineering (shared with Chalmers University of Technology), Swedish Language, and Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science. Groups of researchers from these departments together form the CLT (Centre for Language Technology), which is one of the eight focus areas of research of the University. The UGOT key persons of MOLTO are members of the CLT.

Who's who at University of Gothenburg

People associated with the MOLTO project in the partner nodes.

Firstname Lastnamesort icon Last access Roles Positions in MOLTO
Krasimir Angelov 10 years 34 weeks
Lars Borin 14 years 20 weeks
John J. Camilleri 10 years 43 weeks Research Assistant
Olga Caprotti 10 years 32 weeks administrator, wp leader Project manager, Workpackage leader, Deputy
Robin Cooper 14 years 20 weeks
Dana Dannélls http://spraakdata.gu.se/svedd/ 9 years 27 weeks
Grégoire Détrez 11 years 44 weeks
Ramona Enache http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~enache/ 10 years 10 weeks
Nikita Frolov 10 years 38 weeks
Pirjo Gustafson 10 years 50 weeks
Birgitta Gustafsson 12 years 17 weeks
Thomas Hallgren http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~hallgren/ 5 years 8 weeks administrator
Peter Ljunglöf 12 years 26 weeks
Kristina Orbán Meunier 12 years 47 weeks
K.V.S. Prasad 11 years 42 weeks
Aarne Ranta http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~aarne/ 10 years 35 weeks administrator, site leader Coordinator, , Steering Group, Site leader, Workpackage leader
Emilia Rung 13 years 19 weeks
Mathilda Segerstad 12 years 45 weeks
Adam Slaski http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~asl/ 12 years 45 weeks intern
Shafqat Virk 11 years 12 weeks