• strict warning: Declaration of views_handler_filter_user_name::value_submit() should be compatible with views_handler_filter_in_operator::value_submit($form, &$form_state) in /home/local/www/molto-project.eu/sites/all/modules/views/modules/user/views_handler_filter_user_name.inc on line 0.
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Be Informed

Be Informed (BI) is an independent software supplier specializing in solutions for complex and knowledge-intensive business processes. Using our software, organizations improve their interactions with customers and partners, streamline their working processes and achieve substantial gains in efficiency by delivering the appropriate knowledge in a direct and context-specific manner to business users and customers.

In a short time, Be Informed has built up a large client base among Dutch government agencies including the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), the Central Administration Office (CAK), the Centre for Vehicle Technology and Information (RDW), the Netherlands Tax Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM), the Ministry of Education, and knowledge-intensive business processes. Using our software, organizations improve their interactions with customers and partners, streamline their working processes and achieve substantial gains in efficiency by delivering the appropriate knowledge in a direct and context- specific manner to business users and customers.

In a short time, Be Informed has built up a large client base among Dutch government agencies including the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), the Central Administration Office (CAK), the Centre for Vehicle Technology and Information (RDW), the Netherlands Tax Authority, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM), the Ministry of Education,(V&W), and municipalities, as well as within the profit sector at companies such as Achmea, Interpolis, Eureko, ABN AMRO Insurance and Syntrus. Be Informed works together with leading partners such as Accenture, Cap Gemini, Ordina, Logica, IBM, Juris and the University of Amsterdam.

The background to the development of Be Informed is the observation that society is becoming increasingly knowledge-intensive. Routine processes are outsourced to countries where labor is cheap, or they are completely computerized. What remains are complex and knowledge-intensive processes. Be Informed has been developed to support precisely these types of processes and to enable organizations to respond quickly to changes in the business environment ranging from changing customer wishes, to technological developments to the need to rapidly implement new legislation. To do this, Be Informed offers a suite of products that enable organizations to:

  1. design, manage and analyze all aspects of their business;
  2. straight through processing of complex cases;
  3. support manual handling of services (decision support and case management);
  4. context-specific delivery of information and knowledge;
  5. apply knowledge in e-forms, dossiers and applications.

In 2009 International technology research and advisory firm Gartner named Be Informed as a Cool Vendor. Gartner argues that organizations that examine methods for managing, monitoring, improving and supporting complex and knowledge-intensive processes must take a serious look at the innovations that Be Informed brings to the BPM playing field.

Who's who at Be Informed

People associated with the MOLTO project in the partner nodes.

Firstname Lastnamesort icon Last access Roles Positions in MOLTO
Jeroen Daanen 12 years 17 weeks
Jouri Fledderman 11 years 39 weeks
Henk Kroeze 12 years 20 weeks
Herko ter Horst 12 years 9 weeks
Joris van Aart 11 years 37 weeks wp leader
Jeroen van Grondelle 11 years 42 weeks site leader