Kaarel Kaljurand
Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich

Be Informed, Apeldoorn

Presenter Notes


  • introduction to GF
  • introduction to the Resource Grammar Library
  • tools
  • applications
  • ???

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About the speaker

  • Kaarel Kaljurand
  • post doc @ Uni Zurich
    • working in MOLTO on multilingual CNL-based semantic wiki
  • GF experience: 1.5 years
  • GF projects
    • multilingual ACE in GF
    • Estonian speech recognition grammars
    • very preliminary Estonian resource grammar
    • Java front-end + various Python scripts for working with the GF webservice
  • language skills
    • good: Estonian, English
    • bad: German, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Russian

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Grammatical Framework (GF)

  • functional programming language for grammar engineering
  • parsing and generation (linearizing)
  • focus on multilinguality
    • multiple concrete grammars
    • common single abstract grammar (language-neutral)
    • translate = parse string in concrete language A to abstract tree + linearize tree as a string in concrete language B
  • special support for natural language features
    • long-distance dependencies
    • word form generation
    • Resource Grammar Library (RGL)
  • use case: defining multilingual controlled natural languages
  • developed by Aarne Ranta et al at the University of Gothenburg

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Example (parse + linearize)


this delicious cheese is very Italian (English)

Language-neutral tree


questo formaggio delizioso è molto italiano (Italian, notice word order)
see maitsev juust on väga itaaliapärane (Estonian)

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Usage examples

  • multilingual natural language processing applications
    • map between a natural language and another natural language
    • map between a natural language and a formal language
  • complex NLP applications defined entirely by a grammar, where the complexity is about:
    • multilinguality
    • multimodality (touch, speech, ...)
    • dialogue
  • applications with small (and controlled) vocabulary and grammar
    • software localization
    • although: recent work on parsing large corpora (Penn treebank) with GF (see: Krasimir Angelov)

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GF as a machine translation tool

  • grammar-based translation (e.g. GF)
    • high precision
    • low coverage
    • suitable for translating human-computer interfaces
  • statistical machine translation (e.g. Google Translate)
    • low precision
    • high coverage
    • suitable for translating arbitrary webpages
  • producer vs consumer
    • when I write (produce) a letter I care about quality (e.g. use
    • when I read (consume) a letter I use Google Translate
  • GF targets producers

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Abstract syntax as interlingua

Benefit: n translation descriptions, not n*n

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Topic 1: Getting started

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GF's "Hello world" abstract + concrete

Abstract syntax

abstract Hello = {

  flags startcat = Greeting ;

  cat Greeting ; Recipient ;

    Hello : Recipient -> Greeting ;
    World, Mum, Friends : Recipient ;

Concrete syntax

concrete HelloEng of Hello = {

  lincat Greeting, Recipient = {s : Str} ;

    Hello recip = {s = "hello" ++ recip.s} ;
    World = {s = "world"} ;
    Mum = {s = "mum"} ;
    Friends = {s = "friends"} ;

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GF's "Hello world" more concretes


-- This is a comment
concrete HelloFin of Hello = {
  lincat Greeting, Recipient = {s : Str} ;
    Hello recip = {s = "terve" ++ recip.s} ;
    World = {s = "maailma"} ;
    Mum = {s = "äiti"} ;
    Friends = {s = "ystävät"} ;


   This is a multiline comment
concrete HelloIta of Hello = {
  lincat Greeting, Recipient = {s : Str} ;
    Hello recip = {s = "ciao" ++ recip.s} ;
    World = {s = "mondo"} ;
    Mum = {s = "mamma"} ;
    Friends = {s = "amici"} ;

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GF's "Hello world" abstract syntax

  • abstract syntax:
    • Greeting, where we greet a Recipient, which can be World or Mum or Friends
  • a comment (optional), saying what the module is doing
  • a module header indicating that it is an abstract syntax module named Hello
  • a module body in braces, consisting of
    • a startcat flag declaration stating that Greeting is the default start category for parsing and generation
    • category declarations introducing two categories, i.e. types of meanings
    • function declarations introducing three meaning-building functions

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GF's "Hello world" concrete syntax

  • a module header indicating that it is a concrete syntax named HelloEng of the abstract syntax Hello
  • a module body in curly brackets, consisting of
    • linearization type definitions stating that Greeting and Recipient are records holding a single string in the field s
    • linearization definitions telling what records are assigned to each of the meanings defined in the abstract syntax
  • notice:
    • concatenation: ++
    • record: { s : Str }, { s = "world" }
    • record projection: recip.s

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Using the GF's "Hello world"

Compile info PGF and load it

$ gf --make Hello???.gf
$ gf Hello.pgf

GF commandline examples

> parse "hello world"
Hello World

> parse "hello dad"
Unknown words: dad

> parse "world hello"
no tree found

> linearize Hello World
hello world

> parse -lang=HelloEng "hello friends" | linearize
terve ystävät
ciao amici
hello friends

Look at the internal grammar representation

> print_grammar

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GF's "Hello world" summary

  • multilinguality: the message is printed in many languages.
  • reversibility: in addition to printing, you can parse the message and translate it to other languages.
  • grammar = abstract syntax + one or more concrete syntaxes

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Main objects when working with GF

Token sequence

  • sequence of strings
  • obtained by lexing an input string
    • e.g. "Hello, John!" -> ["hello", ",", "John", "!"]
  • input to parser
  • output of linearizer


  • structure of abstract function names
    • e.g. (f1 (f2 f3))
    • other forms of trees are also possible, e.g. (f1 (f2 ?1))
  • output of parser
  • input to linearizer

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Main operations


  • analyze token sequence (in a given language, assuming a category)
  • ... and map it to a set of trees
    • 0 trees: parsing failed
    • 1 tree: token sequence has only one "meaning"
    • 2 or more trees: token sequence is ambiguous


  • analyze a tree
  • ... and map it to a token sequence (in some language)
  • variants = sequences that correspond to the same tree in the same language
    • e.g. "do not" and "don't"

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Examples from MOLTO Phrasebook

  • are you German?
    • 8 readings in Phrasebook
    • "you": sg/pl, man/woman, polite/informal
    • all 8 are expressed in some Romance languages
  • hello!
    • 2 readings in Phrasebook
    • only revealed in Thai ("hello by man" and "hello by woman")

Example from ACE-in-GF

p -lang=Dut "John ziet precies 2 personen , die slechts reizigers inspecteren ."
| l -lang=Ace,Fin

John sees exactly 2 persons who inspect nothing but travelers .
John näkee tasan 2 henkilöä , joka tarkastaa vain matkustajia .

John sees exactly 2 persons who nothing but travelers inspect .
John näkee tasan 2 henkilöä , jonka vain matkustajat tarkastavat .

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GF example (3 grammar modules)

abstract Unitconv = {
  flags startcat = Unitconv ;
  cat Unit ; Unitconv ;
    f1 : Unit -> Unit -> Unitconv ;
    f2, f3: Unit ;

concrete UnitconvDut of Unitconv = {
  lincat Unit, Unitconv = {s : Str} ;
    f1 x y = {s = "hoeveel is" ++ x.s ++ "in" ++ y.s ++ "?"} ;
    f2 = {s = "mijl"} ;
    f3 = {s = "nautische mijl" | "mijl"} ;

concrete UnitconvWolfram of Unitconv = {
  lincat Unit, Unitconv = {s : Str} ;
    f1 x y = {s = "convert" ++ x.s ++ "to" ++ y.s} ;
    f2 = {s = "mile"} ;
    f3 = {s = "nmi"} ;

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GF parsing and linearizing

Parsing i.e. converting a string hoeveel is nautische mijl ... to tree(s)

Unitconv> parse -lang=Dut "hoeveel is nautische mijl in mijl ?"

f1 f3 f2
f1 f3 f3

Linearization i.e. converting a tree f1 f3 f2 to string(s)

Unitconv> linearize -treebank -list (f1 f3 f2)

UnitconvDut: hoeveel is nautische mijl in mijl ?, , hoeveel is mijl in mijl ?
UnitconvWolfram: convert nmi to mile

Translation i.e. parse + linearize

Unitconv> parse -lang=Dut "hoeveel is nautische mijl in mijl ?" | l -lang=Wolfram

convert nmi to mile
convert nmi to nmi

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Ambiguity and synonymy

  • it is up to the application designer what is considered ambiguous and synonymous
  • example: synonymous or not?
    • you should perform the intake in order to publish the invitation.
    • you must perform the intake in order to publish the invitation.
    • in order to publish the invitation, you should perform the intake.
    • you should perform the intake to publish the invitation.
    • perform the intake to publish the invitation!
  • example: "hello"
    • unambiguous, but ...
    • should be made ambiguous when Thai is added to the grammar

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The grammar also supports ...

  • morphological analysis: find out the possible inflection forms of words
  • morphological synthesis: generate all inflection forms of words
  • random generation: generate random expressions
  • corpus generation: generate all expressions
  • treebank generation: generate a list of trees with their linearizations
  • teaching quizzes: train morphology and translation
  • multilingual authoring: create a document in many languages simultaneously
  • speech input: optimize a speech recognition system for a grammar

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Topic 2: Designing a grammar for complex phrases

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  • build a larger grammar: phrases about food in English and Italian
  • learn to write reusable library functions ("operations")
  • learn the basics of GF's module system

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The "Food" grammar

abstract Food = {

  flags startcat = Phrase ;

    Phrase ; Item ; Kind ; Quality ;

    Is : Item -> Quality -> Phrase ;
    This, That : Kind -> Item ;
    QKind : Quality -> Kind -> Kind ;
    Wine, Cheese, Fish : Kind ;
    Very : Quality -> Quality ;
    Fresh, Warm, Italian, Expensive, Delicious, Boring : Quality ;

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concrete FoodEng of Food = {

    Phrase, Item, Kind, Quality = {s : Str} ;

    Is item quality = {s = item.s ++ "is" ++ quality.s} ;
    This kind = {s = "this" ++ kind.s} ;
    That kind = {s = "that" ++ kind.s} ;
    QKind quality kind = {s = quality.s ++ kind.s} ;
    Wine = {s = "wine"} ;
    Cheese = {s = "cheese"} ;
    Fish = {s = "fish"} ;
    Very quality = {s = "very" ++ quality.s} ;
    Fresh = {s = "fresh"} ;
    Warm = {s = "warm"} ;
    Italian = {s = "Italian"} ;
    Expensive = {s = "expensive"} ;
    Delicious = {s = "delicious" | "exquisit" | "tasty"} ; -- NB: variants
    Boring = {s = "boring"} ;

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concrete FoodIta of Food = {

    Phrase, Item, Kind, Quality = {s : Str} ;

    Is item quality = {s = item.s ++ "è" ++ quality.s} ;
    This kind = {s = "questo" ++ kind.s} ;
    That kind = {s = "quel" ++ kind.s} ;
    QKind quality kind = {s = kind.s ++ quality.s} ; -- NB: word order
    Wine = {s = "vino"} ;
    Cheese = {s = "formaggio"} ;
    Fish = {s = "pesce"} ;
    Very quality = {s = "molto" ++ quality.s} ;
    Fresh = {s = "fresco"} ;
    Warm = {s = "caldo"} ;
    Italian = {s = "italiano"} ;
    Expensive = {s = "caro"} ;
    Delicious = {s = "delizioso"} ;
    Boring = {s = "noioso"} ;

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Operation definitions

  • problem in the previous examples: too much repetition
    • ++
    • {s = .. }
    • lots of similar lin structures
  • solution
    • write an operator



This kind = {s = "questo" ++ kind.s} ;
That kind = {s = "quel" ++ kind.s} ;

we want to write:

This = prefix "questo" ;
That = prefix "quel" ;

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Example: resource module

resource StringOper = {
    SS : Type = {s : Str} ;
    ss : Str -> SS = \x -> {s = x} ;
    cc : SS -> SS -> SS = \x,y -> ss (x.s ++ y.s) ;
    prefix : Str -> SS -> SS = \p,x -> ss (p ++ x.s) ;


  • SS becomes a shorthand for {s : Str} (record with a single string)
  • ss constructs a SS from a given string Str
  • cc concatenates 2 SS args and returns SS
  • prefix is the same as cc, but the 1st arg is a simple string

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Example: opening a resource

concrete FoodEng of Food = open StringOper in {
  lincat S, Item, Kind, Quality = SS ;
    Is item quality = cc item (prefix "is" quality) ;
    This = prefix "this" ; -- same as: This k = prefix "this" k ;
    That = prefix "that" ;
    QKind k q = cc k q ;
    Wine = ss "wine" ;
    Cheese = ss "cheese" ;
    Fish = ss "fish" ;
    Very = prefix "very" ;
    Fresh = ss "fresh" ;
    Warm = ss "warm" ;
    Italian = ss "Italian" ;
    Expensive = ss "expensive" ;
    Delicious = ss "delicious" ;
    Boring = ss "boring" ;


  • Wine takes no arguments and has lincat SS, ss "wine" produces SS
  • This takes 1 argument (SS) and has lincat SS, prefix "this" also takes one argument (SS) and produces SS

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Idea: for readability reasons reuse the same name for different functions.

This cannot be done directly but can be done via the overload statement.

oper mkN : overload {
  mkN : (dog : Str) -> Noun ;         -- regular nouns
  mkN : (mouse,mice : Str) -> Noun ;  -- irregular nouns

The definition can be also given at the same time:

oper mkN = overload {
  mkN : (dog : Str) -> Noun = regNoun ;
  mkN : (mouse,mice : Str) -> Noun = mkNoun ;

where regNoun is an operator that takes a string and produces Noun, and mkNoun is one that takes two strings as arguments.

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Extending a grammar

abstract Morefood = Food, Fruit, Mushroom ** {
    Question ;
    QIs : Item -> Quality -> Question ;
    Pizza : Kind ;

concrete MorefoodIta of Morefood = FoodIta, FruitIta ** open StringOper in {
    Question = SS ;
    QIs item quality = ss (item.s ++ "è" ++ quality.s) ;
    Pizza = ss "pizza" ;

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Extending a grammar

  • extending applies to all names (funs, lins, opers)
  • by default everything is copied over
    • potential for naming conflicts!
  • restricted inheritance
    • Fruit [Peach,Apple]: include only Peach and Apple from Fruit
    • Fruit - [Peach,Apple]: include everything but exclude Peach and Apple

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Topic 3: Parameters and tables

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  • implement sophisticated linguistic structures:
    • morphology: the inflection of words
    • agreement: rules for selecting word forms in syntactic combinations
  • cover all GF constructs for concrete syntax
  • NB: the following only applies to the concrete syntax

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Parameters and tables

Parameter type Number enumerating its constructors.

param Number = Sg | Pl ;

Table that depends on Number used in a linearization type.

lincat Kind = {s : Number => Str} ;

The linearization of Cheese is now a record that holds a table whose leaves are strings. This models the fact that the form of Cheese depends on Number (parametric feature).

lin Cheese = {
  s = table {
    Sg => "cheese" ;
    Pl => "cheeses"
} ;

To be able to extract the string (which we need for the surface form) we use the selection operator !, e.g.

table {Sg => "cheese" ; Pl => "cheeses"} ! Pl

which returns "cheeses".

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Complex parameters

Constructors can take arguments from other parameter types.

param Number = Sg | Pl ;
param VerbForm = VPresent Number | VPast | VPastPart | VPresPart ;

A table VerbForm => Str:

table {
  VPresent Sg => "drinks" ;
  VPresent Pl => "drink" ;
  VPast       => "drank" ;
  VPastPart   => "drunk" ;
  VPresPart   => "drinking"

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Operators returning tables

A word is really a more complex structure than a string.

oper regNoun : Str -> {s : Number => Str} = \dog -> {
  s = table {
    Sg => dog ;
    Pl => dog + "s"
  } ;

oper regVerb : Str -> {s : VerbForm => Str} = \talk -> {
  s = table {
    VPresent Sg => talk + "s" ;
    VPresent Pl => talk ;
    VPresPart   => talk + "ing" ;
    _           => talk + "ed" -- i.e. VPast (I asked), VPastPart (asked by)
  } ;


  • glue operator + for concatenating strings into a single token (can be applied only to strings known at compile time)
  • "catch all" case _ applies to everything which the pattern matcher did not yet match
  • linguistic remark: exceptions like "mice" and "seen" are not handled

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Using parameters in concrete syntax

Abstract definition of Is does not specify agreement restrictions:

-- this/these pizza/pizzas is/are warm
fun Is : Item -> Quality -> Phrase ;

Copula (koppelwerkwoord) depends on the number (in English):

-- copula Sg ==> "is"
oper copula : Number -> Str = \n ->
  case n of {
    Sg => "is" ;
    Pl => "are"
    } ;

Item (e.g. "this wine") should contain information about its number to be able to pass it along.

lincat Item = {s : Str ; n : Number} ;

lin This kind = {
  s = "this" ++ kind.s ! Sg ;
  n = Sg
} ;

We can now form a correct sentence

lin Is item qual = {s = item.s ++ copula item.n ++ qual.s} ;

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The case-statement

Case expressions are syntactic sugar for tables:

case e of {...} ===  table {...} ! e

i.e. these definitions are equivalent:

oper copula : Number -> Str = \n ->
  case n of {
    Sg => "is" ;
    Pl => "are"
    } ;

oper copula : Number -> Str = \n ->
  table {
    Sg => "is" ;
    Pl => "are"
    } ! n ;

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Parametric vs. inherent features

Kinds have number as a parametric feature: both singular and plural can be formed,

lincat Kind = {s : Number => Str} ;

Items have number as an inherent feature: they are inherently either singular or plural,

lincat Item = {s : Str ; n : Number} ;

Italian Kind will have parametric number and inherent gender:

lincat Kind = {s : Number => Str ; g : Gender} ;

Questions to ask when designing parameters:

  • existence: what forms are possible to build by morphological and other means?
  • need: what features are expected via agreement or government?

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Tables of tables

English has also cases:

param Case = Nom | Gen ;

and noun forms depend on both number and case:

oper Noun : Type = {s : Number => Case => Str} ;

We can define the worst-case function that builds the internal English noun structure like this (where x = singular form, y = plural form):

oper mkNoun : Str -> Str -> Noun = \x,y -> {
  s = table {
    Sg => table {
      Nom => x ;
      Gen => x + "'s"
      } ;
    Pl => table {
      Nom => y ;
      Gen => y + case last y of {
        "s" => "'" ;
        _   => "'s"
  } ;

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Smart paradigms

For convenience reasons and thanks to the fact that English plural nouns usually end with "s", we can define a 1-argument version:

oper regNoun : Str -> Noun = \x -> mkNoun x (x + "s")

Note that it hides the internal noun structure, i.e. only mkNoun operates with that.

We can make the operator even smarter (more accurate):

oper regNoun : Str -> Noun = \w ->
    ws : Str = case w of {
      _ + ("a" | "e" | "i" | "o") + "o" => w + "s" ;  -- bamboo
      _ + ("s" | "x" | "sh" | "o")      => w + "es" ; -- bus, hero
      _ + "z"                           => w + "zes" ;-- quiz
      _ + ("a" | "e" | "o" | "u") + "y" => w + "s" ;  -- boy
      x + "y"                           => x + "ies" ;-- fly
      _                                 => w + "s"    -- car
  mkNoun w ws

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Regular expressions

GF supports regular expression patterns:

_ + ("a" | "e" | "i" | "o") + "o" => w + "s" ;  -- bamboo
_ + ("s" | "x" | "sh" | "o")      => w + "es" ; -- bus, hero
x + "y"                           => x + "ies" ;-- fly
_                                 => w + "s"    -- car


  • disjunctive patterns P | Q
  • concatenation patterns P + Q
  • variable (x) matches anything and gets bound to it
  • ordering matters, e.g. the suffix "oo" prevents "bamboo" from matching the suffix "o".

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Smart paradigms

Idea: operator calculates the word full paradigm from as little input information as possible. As a result the application lexicon will look simple and easy to modify.


Dog = mkN "dog"
Mouse = mkN "mouse" "mice"


Country = mkN "Land" neutr

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The \\ notation

Concise notation for tables

\\x1,...,xn => t === table { x1 => ... table { xn => t } ... }


param Number = Sg | Pl ;
      Gender = Masc | Fem ;

  Quality = {s : Gender => Number => Str} ;
  Kind = {s : Number => Str ; g : Gender} ;

  QKind quality kind = {
    s = table {
      Sg => kind.s ! Sg ++ quality.s ! kind.g ! Sg ;
      Pl => kind.s ! Pl ++ quality.s ! kind.g ! Pl ;
    g = kind.g
  } ;

  -- NB: shorter
  QKind quality kind = {
    s = \\n => kind.s ! n ++ quality.s ! kind.g ! n ;
    g = kind.g
  } ;

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The \\ notation. Example 2

  Number = Sg | Pl ;
  Gender = Masc | Fem ;

  Quality = {s : Gender => Number => Str} ;
  Kind = {s : Number => Str ; g : Gender} ;

  Very qual = {s = table {
        Masc => table {
            Sg => "molto" + qual.s ! Masc ! Sg ;
            Pl => "molto" + qual.s ! Masc ! Pl
        } ;
        Fem => table {
            Sg => "molto" + qual.s ! Fem ! Sg ;
            Pl => "molto" + qual.s ! Fem ! Pl

  -- NB: shorter
  Very qual = {s = \\g,n => "molto" ++ qual.s ! g ! n} ;

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Extending records

Example: German transitive verbs (i.e. verbs that syntactically require an object) determine the case of their object (i.e. this is an inherent feature).

Clean solution: extend the regular verb type and definitions:

lincat TV = Verb ** {c : Case} ;
lin Follow = regVerb "folgen" ** {c = Dative} ;


  • TV can be used in contexts where Verb is required

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Prelude. Strings

-- Optional string with preference on the string vs. empty.
optStr : Str -> Str = \s -> variants {s ; []} ;
strOpt : Str -> Str = \s -> variants {[] ; s} ;

-- Infix
infixSS   : Str  -> SS -> SS -> SS = \f,x,y -> ss (x.s ++ f ++ y.s) ;
prefixSS  : Str        -> SS -> SS = \f,x   -> ss (f ++ x.s) ;

-- Bind together two tokens in some lexers, either obligatorily or optionally
glue : Str -> Str -> Str = \x,y -> x ++ BIND ++ y ;
glueOpt : Str -> Str -> Str = \x,y -> variants {glue x y ; x ++ y} ;
noglueOpt : Str -> Str -> Str = \x,y -> variants {x ++ y ; glue x y} ;

-- Force capitalization of next word in some unlexers
capitalize : Str -> Str = \s -> CAPIT ++ s ;

-- These should be hidden, and never changed since they are hardcoded
-- in (un)lexers
BIND : Str = "&+" ;
PARA : Str = "&-" ;
CAPIT : Str = "&|" ;

-- Parentheses
paren : Str -> Str = \s -> "(" ++ s ++ ")" ;
parenss : SS -> SS = \s -> ss (paren s.s) ;

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Prelude. Other

-- Missing form.
nonExist : Str = variants {} ;

-- Identity function
id : (A : Type) -> A -> A = \_,a -> a ;

-- Zero, one, two, or more (elements in a list etc)
param ENumber = E0 | E1 | E2 | Emore ;

eNext : ENumber -> ENumber = \e -> case e of {
  E0 => E1 ; E1 => E2 ; _ => Emore
} ;

-- Use the glue operator with arbitrary number of arguments
-- (where arbitrary =< 5 ;))
BIND : Str = "&+" ;
glue = overload {
  glue : (x1,x2 : Str) -> Str = \x1,x2 -> x1 ++ BIND ++ x2 ;
  glue : (x1,x2,x3 : Str) -> Str = \x1,x2,x3 -> x1 ++ BIND ++ x2 ++ BIND ++ x3;
  glue : (x1,x2,x3,x4 : Str) -> Str = \x1,x2,x3,x4 -> x1 ++ BIND ++ x2 ++ ... 
  glue : (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 : Str) -> Str = \x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 -> x1 ++ BIND ++ ... 

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Prelude. Booleans

param Bool = True | False ;


if_then_else : (A : Type) -> Bool -> A -> A -> A = \_,c,d,e ->
  case c of {
    True => d ;
    False => e
  } ;

andB : (_,_ : Bool) -> Bool = \a,b -> if_then_else Bool a b False ;
orB  : (_,_ : Bool) -> Bool = \a,b -> if_then_else Bool a True b ;
notB : Bool         -> Bool = \a   -> if_then_else Bool a False True ;

if_then_Str : Bool -> Str -> Str -> Str = if_then_else Str ;

onlyIf : Bool -> Str -> Str = \b,s -> case b of {
  True => s ;
  _ => nonExist
} ;

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Topic 4: Resource Grammar Library

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Resource Grammar Library (motivation)

  • contain the linguistic knowledge
  • provide a language-neutral API over many languages
  • currently 26 languages
    • mostly European languages

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Lexical vs. phrasal rules

A resource grammar has two kinds of categories and two kinds of rules:

  • lexical:
    • lexical categories, to classify words
    • lexical rules, to define words and their properties
  • phrasal (combinatorial, syntactic):
    • phrasal categories, to classify phrases of arbitrary size
    • phrasal rules, to combine phrases into larger phrases

GF makes no formal distinction between these two kinds. But it is a good discipline to follow.

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Lexical categories

Two kinds of lexical categories:

  • closed:
    • a finite number of words
    • seldom extended in the history of language
    • structural words / function words


  Conj ;     -- conjunction           e.g. "and"
  Det ;      -- determiner            e.g. "this"
  • open:
    • new words are added all the time
    • content words


  N ;        -- noun         e.g. "pizza"
  A ;        -- adjective    e.g. "good"
  V ;        -- verb         e.g. "sleep"

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Lexical rules

this_Det, that_Det, these_Det, those_Det : Det ;
very_AdA  : AdA ;

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Phrasal categories

Cl ;   -- clause             e.g. "this pizza is good"
NP ;   -- noun phrase        e.g. "this pizza"
CN ;   -- common noun        e.g. "warm pizza"
AP ;   -- adjectival phrase  e.g. "very warm"

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Syntactic combinations

We need the following combinations:

mkCl : NP -> AP -> Cl ;      -- e.g. "this pizza is very warm"
mkNP : Det -> CN -> NP ;     -- e.g. "this pizza"
mkCN : AP -> CN -> CN ;      -- e.g. "warm pizza"
mkAP : AdA -> AP -> AP ;     -- e.g. "very warm"

We also need lexical insertion, to form phrases from single words:

mkCN : N -> NP ;
mkAP : A -> AP ;

Naming convention: to construct a C, use a function mkC.

Heavy overloading: e.g. ~20 operations named mkNP!

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Language-specific and language-independent parts:

  • the syntax API Syntax??? has the same types and functions for all languages
  • the morphology API Paradigms??? has partly different types and functions for different languages

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Paradigms (examples)


> i -path=alltenses -retain alltenses/ParadigmsDut.gfo
> cc -table mkN "auto"
s . ResDut.NF ParamX.Sg ResDut.Nom => auto
s . ResDut.NF ParamX.Sg ResDut.Gen => autos
s . ResDut.NF ParamX.Pl ResDut.Nom => auto's
s . ResDut.NF ParamX.Pl ResDut.Gen => auto's
g . ResDut.Utr


> i -path=alltenses -retain alltenses/ParadigmsFin.gfo
> cc -table mkN "talo"
s . ResFin.NCase ParamX.Sg ResFin.Nom => talo
s . ResFin.NCase ParamX.Sg ResFin.Gen => talon
s . ResFin.NCase ParamX.Sg ResFin.Part => taloa
s . ResFin.NCase ParamX.Sg ResFin.Transl => taloksi

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"Foods" concrete using RGL

  Phrase = Cl ;
  Item = NP ;
  Kind = CN ;
  Quality = AP ;

  Is item quality = mkCl item quality ;
  This kind = mkNP this_Det kind ;
  That kind = mkNP that_Det kind ;
  These kind = mkNP these_Det kind ;
  Those kind = mkNP those_Det kind ;
  QKind quality kind = mkCN quality kind ;
  Very quality = mkAP very_AdA quality ;

Lexical rules (English-specific):

  Wine = mkCN (mkN "wine") ;
  Pizza = mkCN (mkN "pizza") ;
  Cheese = mkCN (mkN "cheese") ;
  -- NB: 'fish' is irregular word, 1-arg smart paradigm would fail
  Fish = mkCN (mkN "fish" "fish") ;
  Fresh = mkAP (mkA "fresh") ;
  Warm = mkAP (mkA "warm") ;
  Italian = mkAP (mkA "Italian") ;
  Expensive = mkAP (mkA "expensive") ;

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Functors (parametrized modules)

  • functor is a module that opens one or more interfaces
  • interface is a module similar to resource, but it only contains the types of opers, not (necessarily) their definitions

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Syntax for functors

Add the keyword incomplete. We will use the header

incomplete concrete FoodsI of Foods = open Syntax, LexFoods in


interface Syntax    -- the resource grammar interface
interface LexFoods  -- the domain lexicon interface

When we moreover have

instance SyntaxEng of Syntax     -- the English resource grammar
instance LexFoodsEng of LexFoods -- the English domain lexicon

we can write a functor instantiation

concrete FoodsGer of Foods = FoodsI with
  (Syntax = SyntaxGer),
  (LexFoods = LexFoodsGer) ;

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"Foods" functor

incomplete concrete FoodsI of Foods = open Syntax, LexFoods in {
  Phrase = Cl ;
  Item = NP ;
  Kind = CN ;
  Quality = AP ;
  Is item quality = mkCl item quality ;
  This kind = mkNP this_Det kind ;
  That kind = mkNP that_Det kind ;
  These kind = mkNP these_Det kind ;
  Those kind = mkNP those_Det kind ;
  QKind quality kind = mkCN quality kind ;
  Very quality = mkAP very_AdA quality ;

  Wine = mkCN wine_N ;
  Pizza = mkCN pizza_N ;
  Cheese = mkCN cheese_N ;
  Fish = mkCN fish_N ;
  Fresh = mkAP fresh_A ;
  Warm = mkAP warm_A ;
  Italian = mkAP italian_A ;

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"Foods" domain lexicon

interface LexFoods = open Syntax in {
  wine_N : N ;
  pizza_N : N ;
  cheese_N : N ;
  fish_N : N ;
  fresh_A : A ;
  warm_A : A ;
  italian_A : A ;
  expensive_A : A ;
  delicious_A : A ;
  boring_A : A ;

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"Foods" German lexicon

Definitions for the opers in the instance.

instance LexFoodsGer of LexFoods = open SyntaxGer, ParadigmsGer in {
  wine_N = mkN "Wein" ;
  pizza_N = mkN "Pizza" "Pizzen" feminine ;
  cheese_N = mkN "Käse" "Käsen" masculine ;
  fish_N = mkN "Fisch" ;
  fresh_A = mkA "frisch" ;
  warm_A = mkA "warm" "wärmer" "wärmste" ;
  italian_A = mkA "italienisch" ;
  expensive_A = mkA "teuer" ;
  delicious_A = mkA "köstlich" ;
  boring_A = mkA "langweilig" ;

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"Foods" German grammar

Super simple! Just parametrizes the functor (FoodsI) with the German grammar and the domain lexicon.

concrete FoodsGer of Foods = FoodsI with
  (Syntax = SyntaxGer),
  (LexFoods = LexFoodsGer) ;

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Adding languages to "Foods"

Just two modules are needed:

  • a domain lexicon instance
  • a functor instantiation

The functor instantiation is completely mechanical to write.

The domain lexicon instance requires some knowledge of the words of the language:

  • what words are used for which concepts
  • how the words are constructed
  • features such as gender

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Module structure

Module types:

  • abstract: Foods
  • concrete: FoodsFin, FoodsI (incomplete)
  • interface: Syntax, LexFoods
  • instance: SyntaxFin, LexFoodsFin

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Listing of lib/src/dutch/ resource resource resource

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Listing of lib/src/abstract/

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Listing of lib/src/api/ incomplete resource resource
... incomplete resource resource
... interface instance
... incomplete resource resource

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Recap: GF module types

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  • language-neutral
  • categories (cat) and functions (fun)
  • at most one startcat (can be also given at runtime)
  • each function has exactly one type
    • type is a category
    • or a structure of categories
  • dependent types (see Topic 5)

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abstract (example)

abstract Test = {
    flags startcat = Greeting ;
    cat Greeting ;
    cat Name ;

    fun hi : Greeting ;
    fun personal_hi : Name -> Greeting ;
    fun two_person_hi : Name -> Name -> Greeting ;

    -- Note: you cannot use the same function name
    -- with a different type
    -- fun hi : Name -> Greeting ;

    -- this is OK because -> is right assoc.
    fun two_person_hi : Name -> (Name -> Greeting) ;

    fun weird_hi : (Name -> Name) -> Greeting ;

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  • concrete language (e.g. Dutch)
  • of some abstract module (e.g. some application)
  • category linearization type (lincat)
  • function linearization (lin)
  • possibly complex linearization types
    • string
    • record
    • table
    • record of tables of tables of strings
    • ...
  • advice: use records (e.g. {s : Str }) instead of strings (Str), because records can be often extended without breaking code (e.g {s : Str, g : Gender})

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  • can be opened
  • oper definitions

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  • interface is a module similar to resource
  • only contains the types of opers, not (necessarily) their definitions

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  • implements interface
  • fills in the operator definitions

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  • anything can be declared incomplete, e.g.
    • concrete is complete with respect to an abstract
    • resource is complete if all opers and params have a definition part
  • incomplete concrete can be parametrized in a concrete

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Topic 5: Refining semantics in abstract syntax

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  • in the concrete syntax it is possible to restrict which phrases go together e.g. a noun phrase and a verb phrase must agree in number
    • 2 men run
    • 1 man runs
    • * 2 men runs
    • * 1 man run
  • sometimes restrictions are language-independent, e.g.
    • convert 3 kg to grams
    • * convert 3 kg to EUR
    • dim the light
    • * dim the fan
  • language-independent restrictions should be defined in the abstract syntax
  • solution: dependent types

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Example: Smart house

  • there are commands and device kinds
  • for each kind of device, there are devices and actions
  • a command concerns an action of some kind on a device of the same kind


  • Command and Kind are GF categories
  • Device and Action are dependent types (they depend on Kind)
  • Command does not have a Kind

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Example: Smart house


  Command ;
  Kind ;
  Device Kind ; -- argument type Kind
  Action Kind ;

  -- the Kinds of Action and Device must be the same,
  -- to be able to form a Command
  CAction : (k : Kind) -> Action k -> Device k -> Command ;
  DKindOne : (k : Kind) -> Device k ;
  light, fan : Kind ;
  dim : Action light ;


The concrete syntax does not know anything about dependent types but must suppress the extra argument.

lincat Action = {s : Str} ;
-- the Kind argument is suppressed in linearization
lin CAction _ act dev = {s = act.s ++ dev.s} ;

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Parsing and dependent types

Syntax and semantics are OK:

> parse "dim the light"
CAction light dim (DKindOne light)

Syntax OK, semantics not:

> parse "dim the fan"
The parsing is successful but the type checking failed with error(s):
  Couldn't match expected type Device light
         against inferred type Device fan
  In the expression: DKindOne fan

Token look-ahead (unfortunately) ignores dependent types:

> parse "dim the
fan    light

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Sometimes an action can be performed on all kinds of devices.

This is represented as a function that takes a Kind as an argument and produces an Action for that Kind:

fun switchOn, switchOff : (k : Kind) -> Action k ;

Functions of this kind are called polymorphic.


light : Kind ;
dim : Action light ;

Parsing examples:

Test> parse "switch on the fan "
CAction fan (switchOn fan) (DKindOne fan)

Test> parse "switch on the light "
CAction light (switchOn light) (DKindOne light)

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Dependent types (full code)


flags startcat = Command ;

cat Command ; Kind ; Device Kind ; Action Kind ;

    CAction : (k : Kind) -> Action k -> Device k -> Command ;
    light, fan : Kind ;
    dim : Action light ;
    DKindOne : (k : Kind) -> Device k ;
    switchOn, switchOff : (k : Kind) -> Action k ;


lincat Command, Kind, Device, Action = { s : Str };

lin CAction _ act dev = {s = act.s ++ dev.s} ;

    -- Kinds
    light = { s = "light" } ;
    fan = { s = "fan" } ;
    DKindOne k = { s = "the" ++ k.s } ;

    -- Actions
    dim = { s = "dim" } ;
    switchOn _ = { s = "switch on" } ;
    switchOff _ = { s = "switch off" } ;

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Dependent types (problems)

  • concrete syntax is unaware of dependent types
  • GF's built-in token look-ahead ignores dependent types
  • various other GF tools do not support dep. types

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Topic 6: GF tools

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Lexing and unlexing

  • the parser and linearizer work with tokens
  • lexing (tokenization) = mapping a string to tokens
    • e.g. split punctuation from the words
  • unlexing = mapping tokens to strings
    • e.g. glue punctuation to preceding words
  • lexing/unlexing and application/language dependent (i.e. not general solution)
  • lexing/unlexing can be done by an external application as long as some GF conventions are observed
    • space marks token border
    • &+ glues tokens

Example (token list that as a string should look like "12 is a number."):

1 &+ 2 is a number &+ .

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GF commandline tool

  • (see the commandline examples on the previous slides)
  • can be also run in "server mode"

PGF server usage example

$ GF_RESTRICTED=yes gf --server=1234 --document-root /path/docroot/

$ (create /path/docroot/grammars/Test.pgf)

$ curl "http://localhost:1234/grammars/Test.pgf?

$ (process the JSON output)

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PGF Services

  • parse
    • in: string, language
    • out: tree set
  • complete
    • in: string, language
    • out: token set
  • linearize
    • in: tree
    • out: language -> string (+ variants?)
  • translate (= parse + linearize)
  • info
    • out: lists of functions, categories, startcat, ...

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Minibar and Syntax editor

  • Syntax editor (really a tree editor)
    • edit a tree: add/remove node, replace node with a random structure of the same category, wrap node
    • view linearizations (of a possibly partial tree)
    • tree cannot be ambiguous but linearizations can be
  • Minibar
    • look-ahead edit a sentence
    • view its trees and translations
  • the editors are online and integrated
    • switch to Syntax editor to edit a small bit in the beginning of an existing sentence
    • switch to Minibar to view linearization ambiguity
  • links

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GF Eclipse plugin (grammar editor)

  • features
    • syntax highlighting and error detection
    • code folding, quick block-commenting, automatic code formatting
    • definition outlining, jump to declaration, find usage
    • warnings for problems in module dependency hierarchy
    • launch configurations, i.e. compilation directly from IDE
    • use GF Shell from within Eclipse
    • auto-completion for declared identifiers
    • background compilation (shallow) using project builder
    • support for Open Declaration (F3), including qualified names
    • code generation for new languages in application grammars
    • inline documentation for function calls, overloads
    • proper cross-reference handling with qualified names
    • test management and testing tool
    • external library browser

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GF online editor for simple grammars

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  • access to PGF services
    • Haskell API
    • GF Webservice (REST)
    • JPGF (Java)
    • Python API (work in progress ?)
    • C API (work in progress ?)
    • Javascript API (?)
    • Java API to GF Webservice
  • GF Cloud Service beta

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Topic 7: Applications

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Application examples

  • multilingual applications (with high quality language)
    • tourist phrasebook
    • museum knowledge base
  • multimodal interfaces (with different modalities handled in the same framework)
  • dialog systems
  • software localization (?)
  • speech recognition grammars
  • multilingual wiki

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Tourist phrasebook

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Multimodal/multilingual/dialog systems

  • multimodal
    • speech input
    • touch/click input
    • ...
  • multilingual
    • English
    • Spanish
    • ...
  • dialog-based
    • speech output
    • meaning emerges from a sequence of smaller conversation turns
  • demo video:
  • see also GF Book 7.15

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Voice actions

  • interpret an audio signal as string in language A and translate it to language B for evaluation
    • lang A: natural language, audio signal interpreted using acoustic models and a speech recognition grammar (e.g. JSGF, FSA)
    • lang B: formal language (calculator, directions query, ...)
  • GF provides
    • translation (approximation): GF -> JSGF/SLF/...
    • translation: lang A -> lang B
    • modular grammar, multiple languages, smart paradigms, ...
  • a smartphone app
    • records audio
    • sends it for transcription+translation
    • sends the result for evaluation/execution

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Voice actions


audio -> natural language string -> tree -> formal expression -> evaluation result

/one plus two/ -> "one plus two" -> (plus n1 n2) -> eval(1+2) -> 3


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Multilingual CNL-based semantic wiki

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Existing wiki systems

  • wiki
    • user-friendly collaborative environment for knowledge management
    • content typically unconstrained natural language (NL)
    • powered by software, e.g. MediaWiki
    • e.g. Wikipedia
  • semantic wiki (= wiki + formal semantics)
    • provides: richer query language, consistency checking (via automatic reasoning)
    • content typically NL + typed links (i.e. RDF triples)
    • software: Semantic Mediawiki, ...
  • CNL-based semantic wiki (= semantic wiki using CNL)
    • formal languages hidden (=> can use more expressive formal languages)
    • software: AceWiki
  • multilingual wiki
    • authoring in multiple (natural) languages
    • current systems: only document-level interlinking

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Multilingual CNL-based Semantic Wiki

  • multiple languages
    • natural: English, German, ACE, ...
    • formal: ACE, FOL, ...
    • languages for content, UI, meta information
  • content
    • viewable/editable/queryable in multiple languages
    • automatically kept in sync
  • CNL-based
    • backed by formal grammar(s)
    • formal languages are hidden
  • semantic
    • consistency checking, question answering, ...
    • precise translation

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Use cases

  • multilingual ACE wiki
    • authoring in multiple ACE-based CNLs
  • tourist phrasebook
    • book structure (ToC, chapters, index)
    • multiple languages
    • grammar editing
  • catalog of museum objects (paintings, painters)
    • each object on a separate wiki page
    • multiple languages
    • rich queries (e.g. "which Dutch painter painted which French painter?")
  • logic/math puzzles
    • multiple user solutions
    • automatically checked

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  • AceWiki
    • collaborative environment
    • GUI (e.g. look-ahead editor)
    • storage
    • connection to ACE parser
    • connection to OWL reasoners
  • Grammatical Framework (GF)
    • multilingual grammars
    • parser (translation, completion, ...)
    • grammar editor

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  • goal: user-friendly yet expressive semantic wiki system
  • wiki features: collaborative editing, multiple interlinked articles
  • background reasoning language: OWL
    • expressive fragment of first-order logic
    • decidable reasoning tasks: consistency checking, question answering, ...
    • complex syntax
  • front-end language: ACE
    • subset of natural English
    • well-defined translation into first-order logic / OWL
    • end-user documentation: construction and interpretation rules
  • developed by Tobias Kuhn
  • see more:

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AceWiki article (screenshot)

Screenshot: article

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Look-ahead editor (screenshot)

Screenshot: look-ahead editor

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AceWiki integration with GF

  • multilingual viewing and editing of wiki content
    • grammar-based editing (show next possible tokens)
  • wiki entry is GF abstract tree set
    • viewed via linearization(s)
    • can represent ambiguity
  • access to multiple online GF grammars
    • provided by GF Webservice
    • single grammar per wiki
  • grammar integrated into the wiki
    • wiki-linking of grammar and content
    • grammar can be updated while building the wiki
  • multilingual ACE grammar implemented in GF
    • other GF grammars can be used instead (no ACE-based reasoning in this case)

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Article with Editor (screenshot)

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Grammar module page (screenshot)

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  • goal: user-friendly language for formal knowledge engineering
  • subset of natural English
  • translatable into Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
    • and further into standard first-order logic, OWL, various rule languages
    • enables automatic reasoning, e.g. consistency checking, question answering, ...
  • verbalization of formal languages
    • DRS, OWL
  • end-user documentation: construction and interpretation rules
  • editing environments: AceWiki, ACE Editor, ACE View, ...

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Multilingual ACE

An ACE grammar in GF/RGL adds multiple natural languages as front-ends to ACE.


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  • implementation of the ACE syntax (i.e. no DRS generation)
    • extension of Angelov and Ranta (CNL 2009)
  • available in 15 natural languages via the RGL
    • Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
    • design allows for easy extendability
  • status
    • focus on the subset of ACE that is used in AceWiki (almost 100% coverage at almost 0% ambiguity)
    • some precision problems, e.g. anaphoric references do not obey DRS accessibility constraints
    • ambiguity and coverage problems in some languages

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Translation example

p -lang=Ace "if a person admires no golfer then the person buys
    at least 2 aquariums that nothing but travelers inspect ." | l

si una persona no admira cap golfista llavors la persona compra
    almenys 2 aquarins que nomÈs viatgers inspeccionen .

als een persoon geen golfer bewondert , dan koopt de persoon
    ten minste 2 aquaria die slechts reizigers inspecteren .

jos henkilö ei ihaile mitään golfaajaa niin henkilö ostaa
    vähintään 2 akvaariota jonka vain matkustajat tarkastavat .

si une personne n' admire aucun golfeur alors la personne achète
    au moins 2 aquariums que seulement des voyageurs inspectent .

wenn eine Person keinen Golfer bewundert , dann kauft die Person
    wenigstens 2 Aquariume die nur Reisenden inspizieren .

si una persona non ammira nessuno giocatore di golf allora la persona compra
    almeno 2 acquari che soltanto viaggiatori ispezionano .

si una persona no admira hacia golfista entonces la persona compra
    al menos 2 acuarios que solamente viajeros inspeccionan .

om en person beundrar inget golfspelare så personen köper
    minst 2 akvariumar som bara resenärar avsynar .

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